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Clapham 2nd Anniversary

Today, Clapham is celebrating second anniversary.

It was still fresh on my mind, when we were preparing for our first event. Joeana was 6-month pregnant, and there was a lady who trusted us to hold her workshop. Connie, was her name. When she came, everything was all right. She was happy and satisfied. If only she had known the chaos that happened a night before.

For the past two years, that scenario was a common happening throughout our space. We have executed many events, for ourselves and also for our clients. And behind every successful execution, there are chaotic and messy preparation. And all this can only achieved by the dedicated and passionate team of members and many times, our volunteers.

Clapham’s work culture is a chaotic one, perhaps it was derived from the founder’s lifestyle. However, we put professionalism, integrity, and reliability on the top of our value. And we strive to do the best work possibile, irrespective of the amount we are paid.

Two years ago, we started Clapham with a hope that it would be a beginning of many great dreams and things. We started with a full knowledge of the difficulties starting a new business model in an untested market. Our first three months were horrible. We gave out free pass for the first month and only a handful people turned up. Yuni and Cindy, our first team members, were probably second guessing their decision to join Clapham. Hell, I even thought I wasted my time and family money.

But we press on.

Today, we are here, and we are celebrating our existence for these to years. And we have a list of people to thank for:

  1. God, whom has blessed us with so many kindness.

  2. Our staff. Cindy, Yuni, Betty, Jesslyn, Sisca, and Wenny have been absolute bedrock of our operation. All credit belongs to the team. Those of you who are here knows that these ladies are carrying all the burden.

  3. My Family and also shareholder. For believing in this project. And sticking with our works, even though some do not understand what we are doing here. Also for Sutatama Angkasa, our parent company, for supporting us from the sideline.

  4. Team's family, boyfriend. Thanks for letting your daughter works with us. Many of you think your daughter is working in malls. And even though you dont understand what your girl are doing here, you let them anyway, because they tell how great it is work here. Special mention to Santo, Cindy's fiancee, for supporting Clapham when you are free. You are an encouragement to us.

  5. For our members. Without your support, we would not exist today. It is because of the trust you have given us. To let us build the ecosystem and sell you, tell you what and how to behave. You are essential to our operation. Special mention to Paperplane, our first member who trusted us since beginning.

  6. For our partners. Thank you for trusting us. To use our space, because you believe that we are different with hotel. To let us manage your event, because you trust us.

  7. For our collaborators. You make us awesome. Special mention for Coffeenatics. Without you, our productivity will drop 20%. And we all have Coffeenatics in our blood stream. For MakanMana to constantly fill our food for share table. And I also want to give acknowledgement to a very special friend of mine. Mr. Edy Tan, Sumatra's Gojek Head. Since our early times, Edy has been vigorously committed to contribute to Medan tech ecosystem. He has done so much thing selflessly, and I am lucky to be able to work together with him. US Consulate, thank you thank you for supporting our local ecosystem. Also for sending our staff for training in the US.

Two years later, we have done many different things. However, our soul is the same. At the core of our soul, is community building. We still gather people with good values, equip them in their works, connect people, encourage kindness, and build trust. And we hope our works will last.

Today, we have a celebration. A celebration of good works done. Of a great culture. Great friends and family. And lastly, a celebration of a better city.

Once again, thank you for everything.

​Komp. Ruko Centre Point Medan Jalan Timor Blok G No. III/IV 2nd Floor, Gang Buntu, Medan Timur, Medan City, North Sumatra 20231 



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